
BIRT Viewer in Pentaho

BIRT Viewer in Pentaho ,Some of you already using Eclipse BIRT to a Tomcat application server may be interested to integrate the viewer into a Pentaho server.

Here's what I propose to explain below Native integration with BIRT in PentahoThe Pentaho platform offers since its origin the possibility of issuing reports designed with Jasper Reports or Eclipse BIRT.The publication of these reports on the server is done with the process modeling tool BI "Pentaho Design Studio" including through the creation of action sequences (the "Xactions"): 

When setting up Xactions all BIRT report parameters must be redefined (and "re-populés"), which may provide some sense of frustration due to a work already done in Eclipse BIRT:Moreover, and this is certainly the most troublesome point bookstores embedded BIRT standard in Pentaho are old (v2.2) and must be mostly being updated in more recent versions (2.3.2, 2.5.2 or 2.6).Even if there is documentation on the web for the library update , it can sometimes arise some problems in applying some patches BIRT, which require corrections at the internal libraries Pentaho! (Sic)It will be understood, the ideal would be to directly integrate the BIRT Viewer in the Pentaho User Console web to benefit from all the advantages of it:
Internal management settings in the web interface Pagination
Native management of export EXCEL, PDF, WORD, POWERPOINT, and raw data (CSV)Impressions functionsThis is what provides Bart Maertens (an active member of the Pentaho community) on his blog.Integrating BIRT Viewer in 

Pentaho step 1: Deploying BIRT Viewer 2.6 in Pentaho 3.61 / Download the package "BIRT Runtime" (version 2.6) from the Eclipse website (http://download.eclipse.org/birt/downloads)This is precisely located in the "Report Engine" category under the name birt-runtime-2_6_1.zip2 / From the archive, extract the WebViewerExample directory and copy it into the directory of the Tomcat server Pentaho "C: \ Pentaho-3.6 \ biserver it \ tomcat \ webapps"Note: in this case C: \ Pentaho-3.6 is the home installation Pentaho (adapt course according to your own installation)3 / Edit the web.xml file located in the directory "C: \ Pentaho-3.6 \ biserver it \ tomcat \ webapps \ WebViewerExample \ WEB-INF \ web.xml"Enter the BIRT_VIEWER_WORKING_FOLDER parameter (lines 31-34) as followsBIRT_VIEWER_WORKING_FOLDERC: \ Pentaho-3.6.0 \ biserver it \ pentaho-solutions4 / Stop and restart the Pentaho server.Go to the following URL http: // localhost: 8080 / WebViewerExample, check that the following screen appears:Clicking on "View Example" allows you to run the test report. It contains no data, it just gets the following screen: 
step 2: Deploy a plugin on the Pentaho serverSo that reports can be integrated in a friendly way in the Pentaho Web console, server plugin was developed by Bart Maertens.You can download it as a zip file here: birt-plugin.zip1 / Unzip the archive and copy the \ birt-plugin directory in the .. \ biserver it \ pentaho-solutions \ system \2 / If necessary, change the URL to access the Pentaho server configured in the file .. \ biserver it \ pentaho-solutions \ system \ birt-plugin \ plugin.xml:RUNhttp: // localhost: 8080 / WebViewerExample / frameset __report = {solution} / {path} / {name}?3 / Restart Pentaho server4 / Managing JDBC drivers:To connect to your database, do not forget to add the corresponding JDBC drivers in the .. \ biserver it \ tomcat \ webapps \ WebViewerExample \ WEB-INF \ lib (or simply \ biserver it \ tomcat \ common \ lib)Phase 3: Deploy BIRT reports!You just need to create your BIRT reports with parameters, graphics, images ... then drop them into a folder tree \ pentaho-solutions.These are directly accessible after a refresh of the web console

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