
Swing Dashboard

Swing Dashboard :This is Swiss Information Group, based in Geneva, which offers a web solution for the implementation of operational dashboards to a wide audience of users: management, finance, human resources, production, R & D ...

In mind, it is somewhat in the style of LiveDashBoard 4Team of Prelytis (Swing Dashboard is not yet as evolved, but it's normal, it's a v1!).This presents quite well, the interface is rather friendly, end users can arrange their KPIs at their convenience, with the ability to organize all this via tabs .An important point to note, however, basic users can not create their own indicators: control and SQL data model is necessary if one wants to set up a new KPI or report. Pentaho has also on this point a step ahead of the competition, dashboarding module available in the Professional version makes it possible for an end user to build itself via its own web dashboards, either SQL or by file upload or via metadata (top notch).
Technically Swing Dashboard is based on Liferay server side and Fusion Charts for the part graphic restitution. Eclipse BIRT is also used for generating reports.It is surprising choosing Liferay, which is not really the primary purpose of serving BI portlets. No big deal, the next version 1.4 (scheduled for early 2011) will be completely overhauled in ExtJS, the well-known Web 2.0 web framework developers.Note also that ExtJS already provides the "Administration" section of version 1.3: user management, resource (DBMS), creation and management of indicators.Swing Dashboard offers (like so) 2 versions:

A freely usable community version, downloadable from SourceForge

An enterprise version, with the support and features not available in the free version

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