
Business Intelligence Wiki

Business Intelligence Wiki - Kettle invoke its treatment from a web browser ,this question comes up quite regularly: can we start a treatment Kettle stored on a server in a repository (repository) ... not to connect to the same server? (without manually run the kitchen program)carte-pdi5-02

Answer => Yes: Using the Web listener "Card" available as standard in IDPs.
Example (prerequisite: Kettle 5):

Here is an example (simplified) job just sending an email, the recipient is configurable via the task parameter $ {recipient}:


This send_mail job is stored in a repository called Kettle pdi-5.0 in a directory called spots:

Setting the configuration file to map:

In the data-integration directory (where is located carte.bat / sh), create the XML file "carte_config.xml» next:

Execution card:

Launch carte.bat program (or .sh) command line: carte.bat carte_config.xml
Calling the job via a url:

Open a web browser and enter the following url:

http: // localhost: 8082 / kettle / runJob / job=/taches/send_mail&destinataire=osbi.fr@gmail.com?

A username and password, you are requested: enter cluster / cluster (note: this can be changed by editing the file \ data-integration \ pwd \ kettle.pwd)

A message informs you that your job completed successfully:


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